
N o r w a y 2 0 0 7

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

i could use a couple more hours in a day... !

i just counted them up... and i've been attending 27 hours of lectures a week!! aaah! no wonder i feel like im abandoning my roommates when i have to do readings and things!! the classes are so good so even though most of them im not even taking for credit, somehow i keep going =)

but... it's all worth it, cuz this amazing goodness is only 4 days away... SO CRAZY EXCITED!!! just look!

rainbow =)


  • nope, not jealous at all.... :| the hills look awesome, Bow! and yes, Daisy will be a a good motivator during final papers/exam time...! as i always say, have fun and don't break yourself :)

    By Blogger debbie, at Tue Mar 06, 02:17:00 PM  

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