
N o r w a y 2 0 0 7

Sunday, March 04, 2007

TWO months!

that's how long ive been here for as of today!! crazy!! it seriously feels like ive just gotten here and wow, time sure does fly! (i guess that means im having fun! hehe.. well, of course!) here's a few highlights!

it was "nepali colour festival" yesterday... ie, people smearing red paint powder all over each other?!!

and a couple days ago i finally took my lovely snowboard out for the first time since ive arrived in norway!! not to a mountain yet, but oohh it was fun! we hiked to a little spot in the forest not too far from where we live to where there's a little jump built up in the snow!!

here's me jumping over laurent..!!

and oooh im taking a class now (not for credit) called Applied Tropical Agriculture. i thought i'd had enough of aggie classes at UBC but it's actually interesting here cuz we talk about agriculture in tropical (ie, developing country) contexts. and people here really care about it so it makes it exciting. and it's really hands on...

greenhouses and all!! here's my group (andrew, ian, me, debbie, oddbjorn) ... doing an experiment with mulching. i wont lie, i dont know anything about mulching OR agriculture (and actually, i bought a pretty plant when we went to the plant store to buy stuff for this class a week ago and sadly enough, it's already dead! or at least it looks like it's well on its way..) but anyways, its still fun...

especially with a couple "extra experiments" on the side!! =D

it's time to get down to work though... im going to be away for the next 3 weekends.. on 3 amazing ski trips (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), and then going to meet my family in europe for easter!!! aaaaaaaah!! this is going to be THE ABSOLUTELY best month EVER!! hehe.. but that means im going to have to finish my paper for Conflict and Development ASAP cuz its due as soon as i get back from the easter break. im going to write something about "peace education" i think... and maybe possibly... something about uganda a) because im going there and b) because conflict & conflict resolution there is still unfolding. but what exactly about "peace education" im going to write about, i don't know... it's super interesting, but so broad... ill let you know when i figure it out!

much love and talk to you all again soon hopefully!!

rainbow =)


  • hey rainbow! wow, 3 ski trips, you're definitely making use of your board! =D UBC spent this past weekend at Crusade HQ like last year. but it wasn't joint with SFU, they're going this coming weekend. sad times that we didn't get to do it together, but they pretty much doubled in size this year and we have higher numbers too so it would have been a squish-fest. but good times all around =D

    By Blogger steph, at Sun Mar 04, 06:41:00 PM  

  • wow it's so crazy that you've been there for 2 months!!! It feels like you just arrived there - but it goes to show that this semester really is almost over for me. SO NUTS. We went on a ghetto retreat this weekend and it really reminded me of our second project retreat (you suck for not having been there) and yeah.... we didn't have a projector so we crowded around chara's laptop for the song lyrics à la Montreal Project style haha. Tu me manques!

    p.s. I challenged Jenny to pursue going on STINT haha, so pray for her!!

    By Blogger Jess Versteeg, at Sun Mar 04, 08:48:00 PM  

  • yes! and i'll be daisy-sitting while you're off gallavanting in europe with your family! i'll try not to be jealous that they get you all to themselves :( funny that this is your best month, cos this is my worse month with probably close to 60-70 pages of writing in the form of 3-4 pages :( keep trekking along, eh?

    By Blogger debbie, at Mon Mar 05, 10:13:00 AM  

  • aww thanks for keeping me updated steph! i miss you guys

    and wynja, everyone's getting jess'ed eh?!! ahh you're awesome!! even if you're not coming to france =Þ tu me manques aussi!!

    debs... haha remember last semseter when i was so bitter that i was writing my like 30th paper about food security and you were standing on the prettiest beach ever in brazil?!! haha.. anyways you can chill at my house and work away..!

    By Blogger Rainbow Choi =), at Tue Mar 06, 01:09:00 PM  

  • awww your pictures don't work!

    miss you lots, but glad to see you're having a TON of fun over there

    grace =)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Mar 12, 11:16:00 AM  

  • hmmm i dont know why the pictures dont work anymore... they did at one point! im not sure how but ill try to fix it! =)

    By Blogger Rainbow Choi =), at Mon Mar 12, 03:36:00 PM  

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