
N o r w a y 2 0 0 7

Monday, January 08, 2007

Ås by pictures! =)

helloo!! heres some pictures of my norwegian home!

one of the main buildings of the university

my room with bigggggg window. i love it!

view from my window at sunrise! (no i didnt get up early to take this picture... the sun doesnt come up til about 9! and actually it goes down again by 3:30 or 4ish! it makes me sleepy, im exhausted and ready for bed by 7pm!)

on campus after it snowed... apparently theres usually waist-deep snow by this time of year but this year is unseasonably warm, and actually all the snow's already melted and its raining instead now. i think i brought vancouver to norway with me!

the As church i went to on Sunday... there was actually one pew where you can listen to translation in english but i didnt know that til a nice man told me AFTER the service! i caught "jesus" ("yay-soos") and "amen" is still "amen", and enjoyed "o come all ye faithful" in norwegian! =) i was the only asian there and one of the fewer people under about 65... but i talked to one student afterwards that told me about an english service in a small chapel on campus in the evening. so i went to that too... and was the only non-African other than the chaplan! =) it was.. different... but i will come to appreciate it i think. i talked to one student who was from tanzania and got to use a couple words of swahili which was cool.

ooooh and last but certainly not least (and also actually from vancouver!)...

these are my crazy DG (discipleship group) girls from UBC! near the end of last semester, DG Bible study co-leader calls and asks if i can go up to her apartment to help bring some stuff down to bible study, so i head over and we're rushing in cuz we're already late to getting to our bible study, and i run in there, and all my DG girls are there yelling SURPRIIIIIISE!!!! and im just like.. AAAAH!!! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?!?!?! and they had thrown me a going-away party!!! complete with a how-well-do-you-know-norway game show (with one exception... who looked up a bunch of stuff about Scottish food by mistake!! hehe, thanks Mel!) and a "globe" piniata they'd made tracking where i was going!! so fun! these girls are so great, God really blessed me with the study last semester, I learned so much from the girls, our study through Galatians together and about discipleship! i miss our study already! i couldn't bring the piniata with me, but i brought the globe card, it's on my wall!! =D

okay... time for me to do my readings and head to bed! i started my classes today. i have just one intensive course in january on Gender and Development, and it looks to be a super interesting class! i also picked up some learn-norwegian books from the library so we'll see how i do with that!


  • Man, global warming sucks. Well, sort of. There's no snow here in Kingston - there's been no snow except for one day in november or something random like that. It's kind of nice that I don't have to trudge to school in the snow. But there's something deeply disturbing about January without snow - perhaps less so for you since you're from the Van but us Ontarians are used to more frigid temperatures.

    you need to give me large devs-jargon-plentiful descriptions of what you're learning there!

    By Blogger Jess Versteeg, at Mon Jan 08, 05:14:00 PM  

  • tanzania?! mambo rafiki! kidogo rafiki!

    awesome to hear that you are settling in nicely with church and school. funny how you're the only asian...in either context...considering you're from vancouver... culture shock much when you return!

    look bow, technology's your friend! you posted pictures...using your digicam AND your laptop! wahoo! i just finished my first lecture in my class called "social impacts of information technology" and as Justin Timberlake would say, i'm lovin' it.

    eat something norwegian for me...and make it a debbie-size. then post a pic :)

    By Blogger debbie, at Mon Jan 08, 07:04:00 PM  

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    By Blogger bittersweetb*, at Mon Jan 08, 10:05:00 PM  

  • yah i was looking forward to my 3 feet of snow!

    on the note about global warming, if you haven't seen the movie "An Inconvenient Truth" you really should!! i made Becca and Ben watch it with me haha... but they ended up liking it, right? ;) here's the website for the movie too... www.climatecrisis.net

    jess: you'll have to keep me posted what you're learning too. i always tell everyone how amazing devs at queens is... and if i hadnt already started-and-not-finished 2 degrees id probably study there!

    debs: im pretty sure mcdonald's coind "im lovin it" before justin timberlake! =)

    becca & debs: i havent had any traditional norwegian food yet... i dont have any norwegian roommates! but ill find out soon enough! =)

    By Blogger Rainbow Choi =), at Mon Jan 08, 11:33:00 PM  

  • my campus looks like... summer hit.. or something =P minus all the pretty flowers and trees.. okay so maybe thats like FALL hit again.. or just never left? haha =)

    whats norwegian food taste like?


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sat Jan 13, 10:13:00 PM  

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